
“One of Those Days” … Normalizing, not Pathologizing Burnout

“One of Those Days” … Normalizing, not Pathologizing Burnout

You’re the physician on call. You’ve been paged to the Emergency Department, after getting paged to the Floor, while rushing through clinic. When you arrive, your patient is a 17-month-old former preemie in respiratory distress.  You’re confident of the diagnosis at...

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

As we wake up in a New Year today, please enjoy this reflection list, and perhaps consider making your own.  With gratitude!     These are a few of my favorite things….......     Sunlight reflecting off water Warm clothes just out of the dryer...

My Philosophy on Medical Education

My Philosophy on Medical Education

My philosophy of education goes well beyond teaching textbook medicine.  My aim is to teach not only patient care but also provider wellness.  The evidence is clear—provider wellness and quality patient care are inseparable, and I choose to teach medicine with this in...

My Path to Meditation and a Call to Offer Integrative Medicine for All

My Path to Meditation and a Call to Offer Integrative Medicine for All

Excerpts from Dr. O’Hara’s presentation at the New Solutions Conference on Meditation, Trauma, Resilience and the Brain, Washington, D.C. Oct 20,2021“Dr. O’Hara’s talk was superb…. very powerful and at the same time personal. Her participation was instrumental to...