Holistic healing for medical professionals
Reiki energy healing
Reiki is the universal energy that exists in all living beings. When balanced through light touch or distance healing by an attuned Reiki Master, it supports physical, emotional, and spiritual healing–levels of healing often neglected in busy medical professionals. Reiki is often experienced as profound relaxation, leading to sound sleep. With more frequent sessions over time, Reiki enhances intuition, creativity, and a sense of connection. Reiki is well-suited for medical providers who are rushed and need to slow down, have difficulty sleeping, or are experiencing vicarious trauma from patient care, or have personal stress. While simply sitting or lying down, awake or asleep, Distance Reiki energy will be sent to you, for relaxation and balance, for 60 minutes.
‘Years into my medical career, I learned the boundless power of Reiki to bring balance and to heal. Perhaps most importantly, Reiki taught me how to receive and replenish my own needs so that I can be my best self for others. As a busy physician and mother I chose to become more and more resourceful for my well-being, and turned to distance Reiki for ongoing balance when I was too busy to schedule hands-on appointments.” – excerpt from Dr. O’Hara’s Epilogue in Medical Reiki by Raven Keyes
Trauma Sensitive Yoga
Trauma Sensitive Yoga is an evidence-informed practice designed to access and clear traumatic stress that may be held in the body. Traumatic stress for physicians may be primary-related to direct experiences-or secondary-from being up-close to another’s suffering. If not addressed, this stress can build up, leading to physical and emotional suffering. Trauma Sensitive Yoga is an accessible practice requiring no prior experience, and no props but for a chair or mat. This session will be shared one-to-one in the virtual space with Dr. O’Hara for 60 minutes. Additionally, you may wish to sign up for a Group Chair Practice that meets Friday evenings 5:30-6:15pm EST on zoom or in-person NYC.
Bring Trauma Sensitive Yoga Chair Practice to your Medical Department or Conference!
“I LOVED Dr. O’Hara’s Trauma Sensitive Yoga Chair Practice! This needs to be offered every day at these conferences! It was WONDERFUL!”
Compassion Sharing Bundle
You have the option to purchase both The Compassion Sharing Course and LIVE Training, and a one-on-one Reiki or Yoga Session–all together at a discounted rate. In the virtual space, you will choose either a Distance Reiki Session, or a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Practice, for deepened healing on your journey in The Course and beyond.
Soul level healing
Soul Level Healing for Medical Professionals is a tailored, in-depth, holistic approach to uncovering and healing deep-root causes of unhappiness and distress. For physicians, bedside patient experiences may inform distress symptoms both on and off the job. Such patient encounters are Defining Moments in one’s career and an opportunity for transformative healing with the support of Soul Level Healing. Dr. O’Hara shows up with over a decade of training and experience in holistic healing, incorporating shamanic soul retrieval, lightwork, blessings and ritual, energy healing, and other modalities depending on what is called for. Greater Soul Purpose is uncovered, allowing for recalibration toward balance and greater joy and meaning in one’s career.
This is an intensive healing over the course of a week and includes…
- Compassion Sharing Session: One hour remote session to share your story, including your Soul-Shifting Moments, to understand where you are at on your path
- 3 days of Dr. O’Hara walking the Soul Path on your behalf to gather messages and direction for your healing, including Spirit Journey and Soul Retrieval for you, if that is what is called for.
- Integration Session: One hour remote session for delivery of the healing work that has been done for you, along with tools for you to take forward for integration and alignment with your Soul’s highest purpose
For physicians and medical providers, defining moments often happen in the workday, at the bedside, in the doctor-patient relationship

There are several generalizable experiences at the bedside that touch the core of one’s Soul in the practice of medicine.
If This Is You, You Are Ready for Soul Level Healing
Some examples of such pivotal experiences and the emotions often associated with them include:
1. Death of a patient
or “poor outcome”
- Guilt and shame—when death is seen
as failure, and success only as curing and saving lives - Sorrow—surrounded by sadness
- Secondary trauma
- Post traumatic stress
- Fear of one’s own mortality
- May be compounded by
experiences of personal loss
2. Personal Sacrifice
- Unworthiness, self doesn’t matter,
self comes last - Self-sacrifice / Self-care imbalance
- Missing out (on personal life events)
- Disappointment
- Guilt
- May be associated with being the
caretaker in one’s upbringing
3. Never Enough
- No matter how much you give (time, sleepless nights, medical interventions)
it’s never enough - Strain and drain
- Underappreciation
- Never good enough parent, spouse,
partner, son/daughter, caretaker, athlete - Guilt
- Feeling incomplete
- Never satisfied
- Dysthymia
- May be associated with
perfectionism and drive
4. Disillusionment with the non-compliant patient
- Lack of understanding
- Wish for control
- Leads to anger
- May be associated with being in
the wrong field of medicine
5. Making Mistakes
- Unforgiving
- Self-criticism
- Anxiety and panic
- Devastation
6. Indentification with a suffering patient
- Vulnerability
- Fear
- Sorrow
- Secondary trauma
- Overly responsible
7. Competition with yourself
- Always trying to prove yourself
- General dissatisfaction and dysthymia
- Untouched by your achievements
- Workaholic
- Hard on yourself/beat yourself up
- Frown more than you smile
- Spinning your wheels
- Stretched too thin and cutting corners
8. Over-Caring
- Unprotected empathy
- Internalized sorrow
- Boundary-less
- Secondary trauma
- Isolated, carrying all the burden alone
- Battery drained and no more to give
- Heavy and tired
- May accumulate and become Caring
Burnout or Compassion Fatigue
Compassion Sharing®
A unique opportunity to shift compassionate caring into strength, resiliency, and purpose
- Supportive sorrow
- Shared joy
- Bidirectional and balanced caring in community
- Motivating
- Accepting
- Connected
- Uplifting
- Feeling in your purpose
- Loving your work
Please join a FREE Informational Session to learn more and get all of your questions answered.
Highly Recommended!